
Jean Lammiman

Portfolio Holder for Community & Culture
Pinner South Ward Councillor

Proud to serve both the residents of Pinner South and across Harrow, Jean is also the Cabinet Member for Community and Culture. She has previously represented Hatch End ward on Harrow Council.

Susan Hall

Hatch End Ward Councillor
GLA Member
Conservative Candidate for Mayor of London

In 2006 Susan was proud to be elected as a Harrow Councillor to represent the ward of Hatch End where she has lived for the past 38 years. She was Leader of the Council for a period of time and Leader of the Opposition for over 7 years.

Philip Benjamin

Stanmore Park Ward Councillor

Cllr Philip Benjamin was elected to Council in May 2018. He has been resident in Stanmore for over twenty years.

Kanti Rabadia

Kenton West Ward Councillor

Kanti has lived in Harrow for the last twenty-one years and runs his professional accountancy and tax practice from Harrow.

Nitesh Hirani

Kenton East Ward Councillor

Cllr Nitesh Hirani has been an elected member of the Harrow Council since a By-Election in April 2017, proudly representing the residents of Kenton East Ward. He is the first Conservatives Councillor elected in the 40 year history of Kenton East Ward.

Chetna Halai

Kenton East Ward Councillor

Elected to Council in May 2018, Cllr Chetna Halai was born and has lived in Harrow throughout her life. She went to Harrow schools and graduated with a Law degree. She believes she represents the diversity of communities and local concerns in the Kenton East ward.

Pritesh Patel

Portfolio Holder for Adult Services & Public Health
Harrow Weald Ward Councillor

Cllr Pritesh Patel was first elected to the Council in May 2014 and has been a resident of Harrow for the past 17 years.

Stephen Greek

Portfolio Holder for Performance, Communications & Customer Experience
Harrow Weald Ward Councillor

Cllr Stephen Greek has represented Harrow Weald ward since 2010 and has lived in Harrow all of his life. He is the Cabinet Member responsible for Performance, Communications and Customer Experience.

Ramji Chauhan

Deputy Mayor of Harrow
Harrow Weald Ward Councillor

Cllr Ramji Chauhan is a family man with 2 children who has lived in Harrow for the past 25 years and since 2010 has represented Harrow Weald ward.

Amir Moshenson

Canons Ward Councillor

Since his election in 2011, Amir is interested in improving the services the Council provides, he is active on the Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards committee that is entrusted with ensuring that governance and financial frameworks are effective.