Harrow’s Conservative Council has allocated an extra £6 million to fund our highways resurfacing programme.
The Council’s Conservative leadership has made tackling potholes across Harrow one of its key priorities. The new funding will support the Council’s roads maintenance programme.
As part of this extra funding a dedicated pothole repair squad will be established which will deal with urgent repairs swiftly.
New and innovative road repair techniques will also be trialled to find more effective, long lasting and cost-effective solutions to keep our roads to a good quality.
Cllr Paul Osborn, Leader of the Harrow Council, said:
"When we took control of the Council from Labour in May 2022, we inherited a situation where the Council lacked a proper strategy to plan out and prioritise roads repairs in an effective way.
This resulted in us having to play catch up for the last two years, dealing with the roads which were in the worst condition.
While great progress has been made, we know that much more still needs to be done. We will not take our eye off the ball; we will continue working hard to repair our roads."